Holiday PlayDay
DAY: Wednesday, Dec 7
TIME: 9-11:30 am (9 am warmup)
PLACE: South Austin Tennis Center | MAP |
COST: $10 covers tennis, drinks and snacks ($11 online)
DEADLINE: Friday, Dec. 2
Join us for a fun, social day of tennis to start the holiday season and provide a little joy for a child on Christmas Day. Bring an unwrapped toy (suitable for a child 14 and under) to be donated to Blue Santa. No rain date. If it rains and the event is canceled or if you can’t attend but want to contribute you may drop off your toy donation at SATC by December 9.
This event is for current AWTA members only. You may renew online or include a separate $20 check payable to AWTA in your mailed entry.
QUESTIONS? Contact or 512.865.0662.
Sign up online or mail a check to:
Diane Singleton
2702 Tether Trail
Austin, TX 78704
AND pay by credit card through PayPal.
Or … download, print and fill out a .pdf entry form and mail it in.