9.5.17 |  Back-to-school Play Day

DAY: Tuesday, Sept 5 (no rain date)
TIME: 9-11 am (8:30 register and warm up)
PLACE: South Austin Tennis Center  | MAP |
COST: $10 covers tennis, drinks and snacks ($11 online)
DEADLINE: noon, Thursday, Aug 31

Join us for a fun morning of social tennis to renew friendships, wrap up the summer, and tune-up your game for the fall tennis season. This event is being hosted by the AWTA Slammers and Silver Foxes teams. The first 32 respondents will be entered; additional entries will go on a wait list.

ONLINE: Sign up and pay online using the form below.
BY MAIL: Download a printable form and send a check by mail.

If you have questions about this event, please contact Bernie Tasher at bttx@sbcglobal.net or phone 512.791.7281.


This event is for current AWTA members only. If you’re not a 2017-18 member you’ll need to register first. (Questions about membership? Contact membership@austinwta.com or 512.865.0662)